How To Train Properly For Fat Loss

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How To Build The Body You Want Without Starving Yourself, Doing Endless Cardio, Or Missing Out On Your Favorite Foods…

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In today’s video and podcast, I give you what I feel are the best methods to use when training for fat loss.

I particularly like metabolic training and even bodybuilding style training over pure strength-focused programs for many reasons.

I’m also big on limiting cardio to get the most out of your training and recovery.


5 Common Diet Excuses Too Many People Make

Many people feel they don’t have time to eat right because of their busy lives.

“I don’t have time” is a common phrase these days. When it comes time to work out, or eat better, or make dinner (or breakfast or lunch), or track calories, it’s easily to write yourself off as having too much going on.

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The Diet And Training Combination: Figuring Out How You’re Messing It Up

You hit the gym 3 (or 4 or 5) days per week. You’ve been tracking your meals, and watching portions. You’re even starting to think about your rest and recovery habits as a part of this whole process of improving your aesthetics.

It’s the first week of February… You could be on your newly formed resolution to get fit, finally, or you might be on the continual course of self-improvement.

Regardless of whether or not you’ve been at these changes for only the past 4 weeks, or 4 months, you might not be seeing the results you’d hoped for.

This is understandable. Most of us are impatient, and want everything yesterday.

And it doesn’t help that the media is shoving unrealistic images, and catchy phrases down our throats every second.

In fact, here’s one crazy statement I saw in the supermarket.

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Automating Fat Loss with 4 Simple Observations I Made While Living In Thailand Part 2

A few days ago, I talked about 2 things… First we talked about tracking your training, and then how we had to scrap the tried and true protein maxims. If you missed part 1, please do yourself a favor and read it.

Onto part 2.


Lots of Activity in short bursts can do a lot for fat loss

During the first part of our trip, we ate like idiots, and I am making no joke here. I’d say for the first week, our daily intake consisted of the following, and this was just breakfast:

  • 6-8 eggs
  • 2-3 pancakes
  • fruit
  • lattes
  • waffles
  • ham

This was the typical American breakfast choices many of the small restaurants in the old city serve to tourists. And talk about cheap. Our money went a long way, so we ate and ate and ate.

Coffee side note: I also enjoyed a ton of boutique coffee shops. Here’s an Instagram (follow me) of my favorite coffee spot called Ristr8to. If you ever get the chance to visit Chiang Mai, hit this place up.

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JC Deen is a nationally published fitness coach and writer from Nashville, TN. Currently living in the blistering Northeast. Follow me on X/Twitter