
By JC Deen



Below are a slew of articles I’ve written for others.  I really enjoy guest posting and love the opportunity to write for new audiences.  If you run a blog or website and would like me to write for you, or your for me, use the contact page.

Fitness Articles

Muscle Hypertrophy
-PathToFatLoss.com August ’10

You Healthy Diet: It Doesn’t Have To Be Boring
-Bodybuilding.com July ’10

Getting Big Without the Big Three
-WannaBeBig.com June ’10

What Are You Training For?

Simple Plan To Increase Your Physical Activity

3 Ways to Maintain Your Weight While Working Behind a Desk
-Another article published on Dumb Little Man in July ’09. Thanks Jay.

Improve Your Life By Improving Your Posture
-Written for Rusty at The Fitness Black Book in July ’09.

Commit To A Lifetime of Fitness In A Few Simple Steps
-I wrote this one for Dumb Little Man in July ’09.

Specialization For Lagging Body Parts
– This article was written in May ’09 and published a month later on AmeliaBurton.com.au.

Calorie Balance Plain and Simple
– I wrote this in early May’09 for Adrian at 36 Pounds.

Look Great Naked without Breaking the Bank
– I wrote this piece in February ’09 and was published a month later on FLzine.

The Secrets of Building a Coveted Physique
-An article I wrote in January ’09 for Straight to the Bar.

Personal Development

Yea, so I’ve written a fair amount of personal development articles.

Planning is Good, Doing is Better
– TheChangeBlog.com in October ’09

How To Grow During The Downtimes
– TheChangeBlog.com in December ’09

How To Reach Your Goals By Keeping A Journal
– DumbLittleMan in January ’10

How To Cope With Uncertainty
– UrbanMonk.net in January ’10

Embrace The Struggles of Change
–  stevenaitchison.co.uk in Febuary ’10


What I Learned During My First Year of Blogging
– Johnchow.com in November ’09

Why Your Blog Is Not Getting Attention And How To Fix It
– Johnchow.com in December ’09

Personal Finance Meets Personal Fitness
– Studenomics in April ’10

JC Deen is a nationally published fitness coach and writer from Nashville, TN. Currently living in the blistering Northeast. Follow me on X/Twitter