Macro Coach

By JC Deen



Get Your Customized Macro Coaching Plan

Tracking ‘Macros’ And Figuring Out Your ‘Maintenance Caloric Intake’ Can Be Confusing… But It Doesn’t Have To Be!

Let JC work his macro coaching magic and walk you through each step.

"This Experience Has Truly Changed My Life"

fat loss
*Results May Vary

This experience has truly changed my life and I am grateful to JC for all his patience and guidance he has shown and given me over the last few months.

I hope I can spread the word of his work to others and that his popularity grows rapidly, because people do not know what they have been missing.”

- Chris Brown, Coaching Client

Is Macro coaching for you?

If You're Not Familiar With 'Macros,' Here's A Brief A Primer...

Macros (macronutrients) are what makes up the food we eat each day in order to live and function. Macro means large, and micro means small.

If you’ve heard about micronutrients, you’ve probably heard the term, macronutrients.

Macronutrients are needed in large amounts by the body, while micronutrients are needed in much smaller amounts.

Macronutrients are made up of four categories: 

  • protein, 
  • carbohydrates, 
  • fat, and 
  • alcohol

Each macronutrient contains a certain amount of calories per gram.

  • 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 calories
  • 1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories

Lots of people say to focus on hitting your macros as a way of fulfilling your total calorie requirements for the day.

Why Macro Coaching Works

At the end of the day, your goals are important.

Maybe you want to be stronger. Or perhaps you want to lose fat or build muscle.

You might want to fit into an old pair of pants. Regardless of the goal, when you focus on macros instead of only calories, your chances of changing your body composition for the better skyrockets.

Fat Loss Macro Coaching

For fat loss, one thing has to happen: you must create a caloric deficit. 

Without this, you’re never going to watch your waistline shrink, see your six-pack abs, or fit into your favorite pair of pants.

But you don’t want to simply create a caloric deficit while eating very little protein because your body composition likely won’t change in the manner you’d like. 

In fact, you’ll lose weight but most likely will lose muscle mass as a result of the low protein intake.

Muscle Gain Macro Coaching

If you’re trying to build muscle, you must create a caloric surplus. 

This simply means you’ve gotta eat more than your body burns on a consistent basis. 

If this isn’t happening, you won’t build muscle… there’s no other way around it.

But you don’t want to simply just ‘eat more’ in the hopes of gaining muscle. You can certainly eat too much and gain a lot of fat in the process of trying to pack on the muscle. 

You can also eat too little protein and too much fat, which will likely produce subpar musce gains.

When it comes to setting up your macros for fat loss or muscle gain, you must have an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat based on many variables such as:

  • Height
  • Body weight
  • Age
  • Activity Level
  • Exercise history
  • Current exercise plan
  • Body composition
  • Goal body composition
Ready to get started?

Here's What You Get With Macro Coaching

An in-depth guide on how to count macros, with video demonstrations, and explanations on HOW to track your food at home, or on the go.

You’ll get access to a document with some sample meal plans, as well as guidelines to build your own meal plan from scratch.

A personalized macronutrient split based on your goals and a detailed questionnaire you fill out for JC.

Ready For Your Plan?

This process is SIMPLE.

Click the blue button below and then select a plan that’s best for you.

Once you’ve made payment, you’ll get an email with the instructions you’ll need to follow so JC can get to work on your plan.

By the way, this plan is guaranteed… if you’re not satisfied and you don’t feel like you’re on your way to making more progress in the next 30 days, just ask for a refund. 

I’ll send your money back.

How Custom Macro Coaching Works

Step 1: Choose your plan below. 

There are two options — select the one that fits you best.

Step 2: Sit back and wait for my expert feedback. 

If you choose the basic option, you’ll get your custom recommendations within 72 hours. 

If you choose the premium option, you’ll get your custom recommendations within 72 hours and an email to schedule your call with me to go over your plan.

Step 3: Get results.  

They’re guaranteed. If you don’t feel satisfied with what I’ve provided, and you’re not on your way to getting your best results, you get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Select Your Custom Macro Coaching Plan

Macros Basic
*30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Macros Premium
*30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

"I No Longer Obsess About Shit That Doesn’t Matter."

*Results May Vary

“Working with JC has not only been great for both my training and nutrition. I no longer obsess about shit that doesn’t matter whether it’s a diet trend or some new workout.

Now I feel much more sane and I’m able to focus more on things I love doing like maxing out on my deadlift and celebrating with a box of cheerios.

Thank you JC”

- Philipe Rodrigues, Coaching Client

"No cardio and proper nutrition with my sanity in check! Couldn’t have had a better experience!"

*Results may vary


“Being pretty thin my entire life, I never felt the need to pick up a weight. Of course my mid-twenties happened and it seemed as if out of no where my clothes started to become too tight! I had no clue about fitness, weight loss, fat loss, none of that.

I did my best to research and ended up on the low cal, low carb, clean eating cardio train. I hit a wall and wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

Tired of the BS I just happened to google “Clean Eating is a Scam”. JC’s article on the subject was the first that was listed in the search. That article seriously changed everything I thought I knew or understood about fat loss and sanity through dieting.

Under his guidance I was able to lean out with fundamentals that I didn’t think would work for me and my body type. No cardio and proper nutrition with my sanity in check! Couldn’t have had a better experience!”

- Nicole C, Coaching Client

online fitness coach
JC Deen, Fitness Coach & Writer
Fitness coach, writer, thinker…

Who Is JC Deen?

Hey, I’m JC. I’m a fitness coach, trainer, and writer. I take a lot of pride in my work with clients because having been through the coaching experience most of my training career; I know that it’s rarely a good thing to go it alone.

Why, exactly? Because it’s hard to be objective about your own goals and approach — no matter how much you know.

I take a highly focused, and personal approach to working with my individual clients. It’s my goal to help every single person succeed and learn the processes necessary to make fitness a solid part of their daily routine and lifestyle.

Outside of coaching clients, I am featured in many of the writing outlets above. I’ve contributed to Men’s Health books (actual books in major retailers, not just ebooks), and magazine articles.

Common QnA

Is This A Meal Plan?

No. This isn’t a meal plan. However, you will get the meal plan guides so you can put your own meal plans together.

Why Don’t You Make Meal Plans?

Meal plans seem nice at first, but they will typically keep you from learning anything. If you don’t ever learn how to create meals that fit within your macronutrient targets, you’ll always have to rely on someone else for your dietary needs. That is not freedom.

Does This Work For Vegans And Vegetarians?

Yes… keep in mind, this is a service to help you set up your macronutrients, not a meal plan. So when it comes down to following a macro plan, as long as you’re familiar with the foods you like to eat, you can make it work. I’ll also be able to give tips and answer your questions.

Will You Help Me Adjust My Macros Based On Results?

Absolutely. This is why we have weekly follow-ups on each plan.  Your intake will likely need to change over time, so the follow-ups within the first month will help you understand how to make those changes in the future.

When Will I Get My Plan?

Typically within 72 hours (outside of weekends). If you purchase on the weekend, add an extra 24 hours to the waiting period.

*Is There Really A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes, there is. I’m confident you’ll love the service and you’ll get so much out of it that you’ll be glad you spent your hard-earned money for expert help. But if you don’t like it, you’ll get your money back. All I ask is a copy of your logs (that I provide you, by the way), so I can see you did the work. If you’ve done the work, and you didn’t get any results, then you get your money back. 

NOTE: All the people above are not anomalies, but they don’t represent the large percentage of people claim to want results but do absolutely nothing about it. So while their results are entirely possible, I have to make the statement: *Your results may vary | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | © 2008 – 2019

JC Deen is a nationally published fitness coach and writer from Nashville, TN. Currently living in the blistering Northeast. Follow me on X/Twitter