Homegrown Glutes Package

By JC Deen



Ready To Feel Stronger, Sexier, and More Confident?

It’s Time To Build A Fuller, Rounder Butt At Home - With NO Equipment Required!

booty workout plan resistance training
Sorry. The sale is over! But if you want to get access to Homegrown Glutes when it’s available again, you can contact me here:

Why Is It So Hard To Grow Your Glutes?

It’s NOT your fault.

Here are the 3 reasons your glutes aren’t growing the way you want them to.

And they have NOTHING to do with hard work!

Reason #1: Most Glute Programs Marketed To Women Are BS!
  • The reps prescribed are usually way too high
  • It’s all about “chasing the burn” – which doesn’t actually build muscle

💡 Your solution:

Focus on getting stronger – not chasing the burn!

Reason #2: It’s Hard To Create Your Own Program!
  • Randomly doing workouts, or trying to just “move more” will get you random results
  • You can easily end up spinning your wheels and wasting time

💡 Your solution:

Get guidance and structure from a proven program designed by an expert!

Reason #3: To Build Glutes, You Need The Right Nutrition Strategy
  • Forget about starving yourself or doing endless amounts of cardio
  • You need to eat enough to fuel muscle growth!

💡 Your solution:

Use a “recomp” nutritional strategy – so that you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time!

Imagine This:

It’s the first time you’re seeing a bunch of your friends after the pandemic. 

You walk into the room wearing the new jeans you were forced to buy after your butt grew a few sizes (even though your waist size hasn’t changed one bit).

Your friends notice the difference immediately.

“What have you been doing?”

“Oh my god, you must have been working out so much!”

“Damn girl! You look so good!”

You can feel yourself blushing a little bit.

But the truth is, you feel GOOD.

Not only do you feel like you look better….

But you feel STRONGER too.

And all of this is making you feel more confident.

The best part?

You made all of this progress at home.

Introducing Homegrown Glutes

Homegrown Glutes is a full body, 6 week workout and nutrition plan that will help you get the booty you want.

There’s no equipment required, and you’ll build your butt in just 3 or 4 simple but effective workouts each week.

It includes a full nutrition strategy to help you lose fat while gaining glute muscle.

What Homegrown Glutes Will Do For You

🍑 You’ll build a fuller, rounder, perkier butt ​

The right exercises with the right program.

💃🏻 Go at your own pace, even if you’re busy - you have LIFETIME access to the program!

There is no time limit… so do it when it makes sense.

😉 You’ll know exactly what to do at all times - and make the fastest progress possible!

No more second-guessing youreslf.

💰Feel protected by a LIFETIME "no questions asked" money back guarantee!

I want you to get results and I want you to be confident in your decision.

💪🏻 You’ll feel stronger and healthier

Because who doesn’t want that?

😍 Feel more confident and feel incredibly proud of your progress

Because you deserve to feel good about how far you’ve come.

online fitness coach
JC Deen, Fitness Coach & Writer
Meet your coach

Hi. My name is JC Deen.

I’m the owner and creator here at JCD Fitness, where millions of people get their fitness advice.

I whip people into shape and help them learn how to make fitness complement their lives, as opposed to ruling it. My approach works because I’ve personally worked with over 200 clients personally in the last 7 years.

After joining Homegrown Glutes, I know that you’re going to feel stronger and more confident.

How can I say this?

Well, just check out the incredible results my clients have achieved.


“Thanks to JC‘s guidance, I’m lifting heavy, counting macros, and while I have my cheat days, I get my ass to the gym every single week.

I’m happy, healthy and strong af. I enjoy going to the gym now.”

— Becca

“The experience with JC has been invaluable.He helped me hit my previous aesthetic goals as well as motivate me towards new ones.

I feel confident and equipped to continue training and developing well into the future. I would 100% recommend his programs.”

— Jen S.

“Under JC’s guidance I was able to lean out with fundamentals that I didn’t think would work for me and my body type.

No cardio and proper nutrition with my sanity in check! Couldn’t have had a better experience!”

— Nicole C.

“Working with JC was an incredible experience! I learned how to keep my training simple but effective and progress properly with weight training.

Strength training has benefited my body and mind so much.

Feeling confident, healthy, and balanced!”

— Valerie J.


Listen – if you want to get 1 on 1 coaching to grow your glutes….

It’ll be $50 bucks a session, at a minimum.

Which, for coaching 3/x week….

Breaks down to $900 for 6 weeks of 1 on 1 training!

And that’s if you would want to (and be able to) go to a gym right now.

But you won’t pay anywhere near that today to build a bigger booty.

The Homegrown Glutes coaching package only costs $149, and includes all of the programming and nutritional strategies you need, as well as a 1 on 1 call with me.

In that call, we’ll spend an hour going over any questions you have and then you’ll get 4 weekly follow-ups to make sure you’re on the right track.

You’re saving $751 compared to 1 on 1 training!

And if you get the standard package, you’re only paying $29.

Let’s break down your savings, one more time…

$900 – 1 on 1 Training At A Gym

$149 – Homegrown Glutes Coaching Package

$29 – Homegrown Glutes Standard Package


Sorry. The sale is over! But if you want to get access to Homegrown Glutes when it’s available again, you can contact me here:

Homegrown Glutes

$ 29
One-Time Fee
  • 6-Week HGG Program
  • Full home workouts
  • Money-Back Guarantee!

Homegrown Glutes

Coaching Package
$ 149
One-Time Fee*
  • 6-Week HGG Program
  • 1 Month of coaching
  • Full home workouts

Homegrown Glutes Frequently Asked Questions

There’s no trick, no catch, no BS.

Either you’ll build a bigger, rounder, perkier booty or you’ll just send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked, no time limit.


They take 40-60 minutes, 3-4 times a week.

Cardio is generally not the best strategy for losing weight. We’ll focus on strength training and eating right. That will help your glutes grow while keeping your waistline the same (or even shrinking it).

That said, you can do cardio for other reasons, like health, energy, and mood, and there are instructions on how to do that.

There’s no equipment required, at all.


Guarantee #1:


You’ll either make TONS of progress growing your glutes — progress you’re incredibly proud of — or you’ll just email us and get your money back.

No questions asked!

Guarantee #2:


You’ll either feel completely certain of what your next step is to get stronger.

Or you’ll get your money back!

Guarantee #3:


No BS, no hassles, no headache!

*NOTE: The 1-on-1 coaching package has a 14 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

Even more from JC's clients:

“Well, I can’t say enough wonderful things about JC! I came to him a year ago when I decided to stop the yo-yo dieting, killer cardio sessions, and binge eating. Although I wasn’t overweight, I definitely had some past food and body issues. The program was such an eye-opening experience because I honestly stopped stressing about training and dieting. I actually had to stop doing so much cardio and focus on the training. It was great to see how strong I was getting and how I didn’t need to do so much… I truly learned that less is more! Thank you JC!”
Ellen R.
JCDFIT Customer
“When I started with JC, I was coming from a background of disordered eating and harmful orthorexic behavior which flourished under previous coaching relationships with prominent figure athlete trainers. What I like about JC’s programming is his recognition that physique development has a great deal to do with mind training, habit forming, and emotions — not just the nuts and bolts of providing a training and nutrition schedule to comply with. I can definitely say that JC’s programs and advice have formed part of my recovery process!”
Nicole T.
JCDFIT Customer


Homegrown Glutes

$ 29
One-Time Fee
  • 6-Week HGG Program
  • Full home workouts
  • Money-Back Guarantee!

Homegrown Glutes

Coaching Package
$ 149
One-Time Fee*
  • 6-Week HGG Program
  • 1 Month of coaching
  • Full home workouts

NOTE: All the people above are not anomalies, but they don’t represent the large percentage of people claim to want results but do absolutely nothing about it. So while their results are entirely possible, I have to make the statement: *Your results may vary | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | © 2021 JCDFitness.com

JC Deen is a nationally published fitness coach and writer from Nashville, TN. Currently living in the blistering Northeast. Follow me on X/Twitter